Bouki dances the Kokioko

Bouki dances the Kokioko

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Taletrove’s review:

Funny, mildly sad folktale from Haiti about a trickster with ulterior motives who teaches his gullible friend to dance.

This was my daughter’s favorite bed-time read for a long time. Makes for good dancing and singing too (if you can manage it). My daughter has learnt the kokioko too! We even created our own tune.
For more fun, make your kid pose like the dancers. Or you pose like the dancers and ask your kid to identify who you are posing like.

I learnt something from this book too-the breadfruit. Hadn’t heard of it before. After seeing the pictures of breadfruits hanging from the trees in the book, my little picky-eater insisted we buy it. And by chance, I spotted it at the local grocery and bought it with no idea of how to cook it. After browsing the internet and a couple of failed attempts we gave up. But my daughter didn’t touch it. Maybe you will learn a recipe or two!

I suspect some of the meaning is lost in translation but nevertheless, this is a great read.

Very bright, vivid, contrasting, colorful, high-modality illustrations accompany every page turn. There is even a color pattern to Malice’s (trickster) and Bouki’s (friend) clothes. Good use of viewpoints and angles.

Check out the ‘Learning tools’ section for more activities to do with kids using this book.

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